Pupils in Bonhill were inspired by France after holding their first cycling event.

Primary 6 and 7 children at Bonhill Primary held its first 'Tour De Bonhiil' last week which ended in a huge success.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: The pupils enjoyed themselves (Pic: West Dunbartonshire Council)The pupils enjoyed themselves (Pic: West Dunbartonshire Council) (Image: West Dunbartonshire Council)

They held the event and decided to link their Health Week and learning the French language together.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: They held plenty of races throughout the event (Pic: West Dunbartonshire Council)They held plenty of races throughout the event (Pic: West Dunbartonshire Council) (Image: West Dunbartonshire Council)

They took part in a range of fun-cycling challenges which included relay races, paired challenges and a 'beat the teacher' race. 

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: Pupils learned plenty of French along the way (Pic: West Dunbartonshire Council)Pupils learned plenty of French along the way (Pic: West Dunbartonshire Council) (Image: West Dunbartonshire Council)

All of the pupils had great fun developing their knowledge of French culture and vocabulary while getting fit.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: Tour De Bonhill was their first event (Pic: West Dunbartonshire Council)Tour De Bonhill was their first event (Pic: West Dunbartonshire Council) (Image: West Dunbartonshire Council)