Nicola Sturgeon is expected to provide an update on the easing of restriction levels across the country during a televised briefing today.

The First Minister urged people to tune the the update, saying she would provide insight into the overall trends and issue the latest statistics. 

However, it is likely she will also confirm that a planned move to level zero restrictions which was due to take place on 28 June will not go ahead. 

Why is the briefing being held?

Last week Ms Sturgeon said the Scottish Government would will "opt to maintain restrictions" for a further three weeks from June 28.

This is due to growing concern about the increasing number of positive cases caused by the spread of the Delta variant of the disease.

The First Minister said that a review full review of the protection levels would take place this week, and that she would provide an update once that had been completed.

  Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter:

Why is level zero being delayed?

Cases of coronavirus have been rising — yesterday's number of positive cases reached a 6-month high with 1,317 being confrmed in 24 hours. 

The spread of the Delta variant, which originated in India, is being blamed for the upsurge.

However, the vaccines currently in use in the UK are effective against this variant, but protection greately increases after the second dose. 

It is hoped the delay will give more time to provide this booster jab to people who have already received a first dose of vaccine.  

Nicola Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament last week: "Given the current situation - and the need to get more people fully vaccinated before we ease up further - it is reasonable to indicate now that I think it unlikely that any part of the country will move down a level from 28 June.

"Instead, it is likely that we will opt to maintain restrictions for a further three weeks from 28 June and use that time to vaccinate - with both doses - as many more people as possible."

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter:

When does the briefing take place, and how can I watch?

Ms Sturgeon will hold the briefing at 12.15 pm. It will be available on the Scottish Government's Twitter channel, and is expected to be screened by BBC Scotland.