Pupils from Christie Park Primary in Alexandria were on a mission to solve the mystery behind a spectacular UFO landing in their school playground earlier this week.

The youngsters discovered a corner of their playground had been cornered off with police tape and there was metal debris from the spacecraft scattered beside it.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter:

The pupils were alerted to the landing when they found green alien goo on their desks and scientists wandering around the building with microscopes seeking clues as to what had happened.

Nine-year-old John Paul told the Reporter: “I found alien goo in my friend’s desk. I think the alien left it here. I think I can fix it and get that alien back into space.

“I am going to need paper, a screwdriver, a hammer and a wrench.”

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter:

Felicity Kelly said: “Aliens invaded the school and I had to get up at two in the morning to let them in.

"There is also slime and footprints everywhere in the school. We also had Morse code that we had to crack. It is all very suspicious.”

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter:

The children will be asked this week to use their surroundings to write a creative writing piece about what they experienced and why the alien landed at Christie Park Primary.

Head teacher Laura Penny said: “Every so often we have a themed writing day and it really stimulates the children to write and talk.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter:

“It is a fun way for teachers and children to get involved and hopefully inspire them in their writing pieces.”