A RENTON man who stole food and drink from three stores in Alexandria in the space of 10 days last year has been told that an intensive programme of drug testing and treatment is his best chance of getting back on the straight and narrow.

A court heard that Gary Meikle, 40, had relapsed into drug use and lost his job after staying clean for several months.

Meikle stole food from Iceland in Bank Street on January 28, 2020, and quantities of food and alcohol from the nearby Aldi store on February 3 and 4.

Two days later he stole a quantity of coffee from Farmfoods in Mitchell Way.

Meikle, of Tontine Park, had had his sentence deferred for good behaviour after pleading guilty to four counts of theft by shoplifting.

At Dumbarton Sheriff Court on Thursday Meikle’s solicitor, Michael Foster, said that at the time his client was told to be of good behaviour, he had been off drugs for nine months and had secured a job.

“Although he has not offended,” Mr Foster said, “unfortunately there was a relapse in respect of his use of drugs, following the death of a former partner.

“This relapse lasted for approximately two months and resulted in him losing the job he had as a window cleaner: the employer, though sympathetic, felt, understandably given the nature of the work, that they couldn’t take the risk.

“I’m told Mr Meikle has now been clean again for approximately four months.”

Sheriff Maxwell Hendry ordered that Meikle undergo an assessment on his suitability for a drug treatment and testing order (DTTO) to tackle his addiction issues.

“You are 40 years old,” the sheriff told Meikle, “and, like so many other people, drugs have blighted your life.

“A DTTO is, in my view, the very best chance you’ll get to break the cycle of being clean and relapsing, getting clean and relapsing.”

Sentence was deferred until the end of August.