A SCOTTISH Green MSP has welcomed the news that 10,200 young people in West Dunbartonshire now have a card which allows them to travel by bus for free.

In total, 550,000 young people across Scotland have enjoyed over 33 million journeys since the scheme was launched earlier this year.

Scotland is the first country in the UK to offer free bus travel for young people.

A longstanding policy of the Scottish Greens, the party secured its introduction through annual budget negotiations.

Ross Greer, who represents the West Scotland region, said: “Less than a year since the launch, I am delighted that so many young people in West Dunbartonshire have benefitted from free bus travel. 

“I am very proud that Scotland is the first UK nation to do this, and hope that others will follow.

"It has clearly been a huge success and has opened up all sorts of new opportunities for young people, whether in education, employment or in their social lives. 

“The Scottish Greens want to ensure that public transport is always the first and best option for travelling.

"This scheme will not only help reduce emissions by shifting more journeys from cars to buses, it will help families save money during the cost of living crisis."