Three people who were attacked by an evil rapist from Bonhill have described how they've refused to be defined by what happened to them.

Danielle Barr, 29, Alex Bhengu-Smith, 31, and 33-year-old Violet Fox have said they won't be silenced after they were raped by Paul Callanin and left to face their trauma.

They have all waived their right to anonymity to speak with the Reporter and share their experiences in hope of helping someone else.

Previously the Reporter told how MMA fighter and singer Callanin was found guilty at the High Court in Glasgow of preying on three different victims in Alexandria, Balloch, Dumbarton and Renton between 2005 and 2013.

Danielle was the only victim Callanin did not know - whereas Alex and Violet believed they could trust the man who went on to attack them.

Danielle was attacked in a car park in Desire Nightclub in Balloch on Christmas Day in 2011.

Danielle said: "He was never my friend. I was in a nightclub one evening and I must have looked like an easy target to him.

"To me it felt like such an isolated incident, but I did report on him. I don't think the police took it very seriously at the time.

"I didn't leave the house for months and I was watching him go from strength to strength.

"This guy I knew nothing about was everywhere. I had hit rock bottom and attempted to take my own life, but that was the turning point for me."

Danielle didn't attend the hearing for the jury's verdict because she was unwell, but she said she was still shocked when she was told Callanin had been found guilty of the two charges involving her.

She added: "I felt like I was walking on air. It was euphoric. I thought there was no way we could win. It still doesn't feel real. It has been such a big part of my life for over a decade."

The Alexandria woman added: "I have managed to build myself up from this. This is not what defines me, and it never will.

"He will never break any of us. The fight is over for him because we have won.

"The strongest words that have ever lived with me are 'I believe you'. That has far greater power than 'I love you' ever will."

Meanwhile Alex said felt she was left no other choice but to move country to get away from him, but struggled to adjust to her new life.

She told the Reporter: "I was 14 when the first assault happened, and then, when I was 21, he raped me.

"I had a boyfriend at the time, and told him I cheated on him because I was so naive and felt like I had done something wrong. I didn't understand what had happened.

"It was so traumatic.

"I didn't speak to Paul for years, but we still ended up in the same friend group years later.

"At this point I blocked out the assult and put it down to being my fault.

"After I was raped by him it brought back all of those memories that I had been suppressing for years.

"I left the country, my family, my friends and everything I had ever known behind. I never told anyone about it.

"From that point on I had really bad anxiety and struggled in social situations."

After hearing the jury's verdict, Alex broke down in tears - saying she never expected him to be found guilty.

She added: "I broke down sobbing in sheer relief. It was that feeling of being seen and heard for the first time ever.

"Women are often not believed, and you have this fear people will turn their back on you, not the attacker.

"I want to support other women and feel strong enough to come to me, we are all willing to help them.

"We did it. We have now made connections that will last a lifetime."

And speaking out Violet said: "I'm never going to ever be silenced by any man ever again.

"Paul Callanin pinned me down in my photography studio on Dumbarton High Street and assaulted me twice.

"He drugged me, put me in a taxi and took me to his flat, where he raped me.

"I felt sick every time I was in my studio and would get flashbacks. I eventually had a mental breakdown.

"I lost my job, my studio, my flat and everything I worked so hard for. I couldn't cope.

"In 2020 I decided I'd finally say something. For the next two years I was called a liar and slandered by his pals and family.

"I tried to kill myself by overdose in the autumn. I spent three days in hospital because I very nearly died. I have PTSD and struggle to cope.

"We got a small amount of justice, and for the many many other people who came forward but couldn't make it to court, I hope you find strength in this and I believe you all."