A SEX attacker from Bonhill who raped three different people in Dumbarton and the Vale has been jailed for 11 years.

At the High Court in Aberdeen on Thursday, March 9, 35-year-old Paul Callanin was sentenced to 11 years in connection with serious sexual offences.

The Reporter understands that he will spend an additional three years on licence and placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Callanin carried out the serious sexual assaults on on three different victims in Alexandria, Balloch, Dumbarton and Renton between 2005 and 2013.

Last month the Reporter told how survivors of the serial Bonhill rapist won't be defined by attacks.

Danielle Barr, 29, Alex Bhengu-Smith, 31, and 33-year-old Violet Fox all waived their right to anonymity and said they wouldn't be be silenced after they were raped by him and left to face their trauma.

In February, jurors at the High Court in Glasgow heard Callanin preyed on Alex, who was aged just 14 when the first attack happened, at different addresses in Alexandria.

When she was an adult, he pushed her onto a bed, held her down and raped her.

Then Danielle was raped in a car park in Desires Nightclub in Balloch on December 25, 2011.

He then raped again to her injury that same day at a flat in Renton.

The final victim, Violet Fox, was subjected to a sex attack at a photography studio in Dumbarton and then later raped at a flat in Renton.

Detective Chief Inspector Hannah Edward from Police Scotland's Argyll and West Dunbartonshire division said: “Callanin is a predatory and dangerous man who has committed a variety of serious sexual crimes against women over a protracted period of time.

"He will now face the consequences of his despicable actions in prison.

“We acknowledge how difficult this has been for Callanin’s victims and their families. We hope his conviction and sentencing will bring them some comfort and our thoughts remain with them at this time.

“We would like to take this opportunity to reach out to any victims of sexual crime, no matter when the offence happened, please report it to police.

"This type of behaviour will not be tolerated and any report will be thoroughly investigated while being supported by the relevant agencies.”