A MAN shouted abuse at his ex after she woke him up from drunkenly face-planting the floor in Alexandria.

Kenneth Fleetham, followed his former partner out of her house threatening to kill her after he crashed out on the floor on October 1 last year.

Procurator fiscal Mark Nicol said that Fleetham had drunk two bottles of wine and passed out on the couch during the early hours of the morning at the property in O'Hare.

He was aroused by his ex and there were several attempts made to get him to go home.

Fleetham decided to head upstairs, but instead "face-planted" the floor and the former partner had to arouse him again.

He quickly became verbally abusive towards her calling her a "s**t" and a "s**g" before accusing her of sleeping with other people.

His partner tried to leave the house, but Fleetham soon followed her calling her a "dirty little w***e" and "I'll kill you all'.

Police soon apprehended Fleetham on Stirling Road and took him to Clydebank police station.

The 41-year-old appeared in the dock where he pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by shouting, swearing, uttering abusive remarks towards his former partner and uttering threats of violence.

His defence lawyer said: "He is very remorseful and is certainly ashamed of his behaviour."

During the hearing Sheriff Kirsty Hood said: "I have taken into account your circumstances and everything that has been said on your behalf.

"I think given all of the circumstances what would be most appropriate is if I impose a community payback order."

Fleetham, of Millerstone Avenue in Paisley, was placed under social work supervision for 12 months.

A non-harassment order was imposed where he must not contact or approach his ex for two years.