A LOCH Lomond nurse stars in a new TV advert launched as part of a children's hospice fundraising campaign.

Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) has released a TV advert which depicts the heartbreak faced by families whose children die young and features a real-life CHAS nurse, Jane Carter, who works at Robin House in Balloch.

The organisation has launched its biggest-ever festive fundraising campaign after the charity witnessed a 25 per cent increase in specialist family support requests, on top of its nursing and medical care provision.

The charity has recruited extra staff to help meet demand plus a dedicated bereavement team to help grieving families in communities across Scotland.

But CHAS still needs to raise over £12million this year to continue delivering hospice and palliative care for children.

The ‘Christmas Memories Appeal’ aims to give dying children and their families the gift of time to make precious memories together at this special time of year and ensure that no one ever has to face the death of their child alone.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: The powerful ad depicts the heartbreak faced by families whose children die young The powerful ad depicts the heartbreak faced by families whose children die young (Image: CHAS/Leith)

To raise awareness across Scotland about the important work it does, the charity has created a brand new TV advert in partnership with the Scottish creative agency, ‘Leith’.

A new radio advert is also being broadcast nationally in the run-up to Christmas further to raise the profile of the new CHAS appeal.

Iain McAndrew, director of Income Generation and Engagement, Fundraising and Communications, said: “The number of children with a life-shortening condition is increasing.

"The last year has been hard for all families, and even more so when your child is dying. CHAS is determined to help as many families as possible enjoy precious time together filled with happiness and joy.

“We already support thousands of people across Scotland, including babies and children with life-shortening conditions and their families.

"Our specialist family support team is witnessing a huge surge in requests. As well as providing specialist end-of-life care CHAS also assists families in other important ways including offering respite stays, bereavement advice and counselling, hospice at home and help with managing finances and debt.

"Our dedicated teams also offer support on how to access care packages and advice on special adaptations for their homes as well as providing emotional and practical support.

“The Christmas Memories Appeal marks the biggest campaign we’ve ever launched to enable us to continue providing vital and unwavering support to children and families right across Scotland.

“The breadth of support we offer simply would not be possible without our generous supporters who give love and strength to those in the greatest need so we’re appealing to the kindness of the Scottish public to donate what they can this Christmas to help us ensure that no-one has to face the death of their child alone.”

To donate to CHAS’s 2023 Christmas Memories Appeal and for more information visit chas.org.uk/appeal