A LOCAL MP has reaffirmed his commitment to the Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) campaign.

Martin Docherty-Hughes is backing an SNP-led Bill in the House of Commons, calling on the UK government to introduce a compensation scheme for women impacted by increases in the state pension age.

Across the UK, millions of women have had their state pension qualifying age changed by up to six years - with many 1950s-born women left out of pocket by tens of thousands of pounds.

An estimated 6300 women in West Dunbartonshire, born between April 6, 1950, and April 5, 1960, have been impacted.

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman is set to conclude an independent investigation into the unfair treatment of WASPI women, with a final report due to be published this year.

Mr Docherty-Hughes said: "Since being elected as an MP in 2015, I have been working alongside Liz Daly and many others in West Dunbartonshire who have been fighting tirelessly against state pension injustice.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: MP Martin Docherty-Hughes and WASPI co-ordinator for West Dunbartonshire, Liz Daly

“There are thousands of women across Clydebank, Dumbarton and the Vale of Leven who have been badly impacted by the UK government’s failure to treat them fairly in changes to state pension age.

"The SNP are leading calls in parliament for the UK government to deliver fair and fast compensation for all WASPI women.

"With the Ombudsman’s final report on its investigation into state pension inequality due to be published soon, the coming weeks are set to be crucial for the campaign.

“Westminster cannot be allowed to continue ignoring the plight of the WASPI women."

The MP met Liz Daly, WASPI co-ordinator for West Dunbartonshire, last week, to strategise the next phase in the campaign to secure fast and fair compensation for 1950s-born women.