A man refused to give a blood sample “because it hurts like f***” after he was caught driving under the influence.

Thomas Healey had been driving a car on Stirling Road (A813) at a roundabout with Kingfisher Avenue in Alexandria at around 3.15pm on March 17, 2024.

Five minutes later officers were called to attend an incident – which was not specified – involving the 46-year-old.

When police arrived they found the car sitting and Healey was in the driver’s seat.

As they approached the vehicle Healey got out and appeared to be under the influence.

Officers reported that he was stumbling and slurring his speech.

He became agitated and began swearing at cops who were dealing with him and acting in an aggressive manner.

Police made repeated attempts to warn him about this however he failed to stop. He was arrested and confirmed to police that he was the driver of the car.

Healey was taken to Clydebank police station and continued being aggressive to officers en route.

Whilst at the station he refused to be seen by medical staff and refused to give a blood sample stating “because it hurts like f***”.

Healey was then charged to which he replied “I understand when I’m being told lies”.

The Bonhill man appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court on May 14 for sentencing after pleading guilty to three charges.

The first was driving a car whilst unfit to drive through drink or drugs.

The second was behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by shouting, swearing, and uttering threats of violence.

The third was whilst at Clydebank police station he did without reasonable excuse fail to provide a specimen of blood which was required to ascertain his ability to drive or the proportion of alcohol in his blood at the time he was in charge of a car.

Healey’s lawyer told the court his client had caring responsibilities which would be more difficult due to his disqualification from driving.

The defence solicitor said: “His conduct towards police was entirely unacceptable. He is very keen to have the matter resolved at the nearest opportunity.”

Sheriff Lorna Anderson told Healey she was concerned by the description of his appearance at the time of the offence.

Sheriff Anderson disqualified Healey from driving for 12 months, his licence was endorsed and he will be under a period of supervision for 12 months.