Four women have been taken on a bike ride to become the first passengers in a new scheme to help the elderly get outdoors.

The ladies are now the first people in Dumbarton to benefit from two new trishaw bikes that will run regular services in the town.

The group 'Friends of Levengrove Park' launched the bikes as part of the Cycling Without Age project to give old people an active part in the community.

Dumbarton has become the latest area to join the project with more than 2,500 volunteers across Scotland and 140 trishaws.

The launch event took the women on a gentle ride around the park just before the bad weather could begin.

The trishaws come equipped with a rain cover and blanket for passengers to ensure they can still go on trips on rainy days.

The e-bikes are designed to hold two people and are fitted with an electric motor to make it easier for the pilots to cycle.

Pilots at Levengrove have been trained by members of Cycling Without Age Scotland and have sat a practical test to prove they are safe to ride passengers.

​Liz Nelson, Friends of Levengrove bike pilot, said: "I was a bit frightened today but I felt good after it. I kept asking ‘I’m not going too fast, am I?’

“I'll do it maybe three times a week. I think when it takes off a lot of people will want to go on it. It was great fun and lovely to see them enjoying it.”

Volunteers continue to take members of the local community on rides to give them the opportunity to gain some fresh air and socialise with others.

Friends of Levengrove Park at the Launch Event (Image: NQ Staff) Agnes Anton (left) and Catherine Duncan are passengers in one of the trishaws 
Catherine Duncan, 80, a passenger on one of the trishaws, said: “I was alright about it. I've never been on a bike at all. The woman who took us kept asking if we were alright."

Asked if she would go again she replied: “Oh, aye.”

Agnes Anton, 89, another passenger on the trishaw said: “I used to cycle to work every day. It took me back.

“I would go on the bikes again. It was nice and I enjoyed it. It was warm, I got given a hat, blanket and gloves. I've never met so many nice people.”

Ray Burr, of Cycling Without Age, thinks the scheme will go "from strength to strength".

He added: "It's just amazing to see it established in another community in Scotland. 

“We are now in almost every local authority in the country. It's such an amazing service that’s provided to the local community, especially the elderly, those with mobility issues, anybody that’s suffering from isolation or depression and just wants to get outdoors this service is here to provide that."