Controversial plans to develop a resort on Loch Lomond shores enter their final weeks of decision-making: here’s the latest.

Flamingo Land Ltd first submitted plans to build a multi-leisure complex in 2017.

Following concerns from locals and organisations the plans were redacted, revised and resubmitted in 2022.

The Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority are about to make their final decision on the application after months of campaigning by opposers.

If approved, the complex will include 104 holiday lodges, two hotels, a water park and a monorail in plans that developers say will provide employment opportunities, economic investment and become a world-class tourist destination.

Opposers say they have concerns about an increase in traffic of up to 14 more cars every second at peak times, environmental damage including flood risks and harm to local businesses.

A prevalent opposer to the plans is Scottish Greens MSP Ross Greer, who started a petition called ‘Save Loch Lomond’ which has now received more than 90,000 signatures.

Mr Greer says the resort will damage the “precious and iconic location.”

He added: "I am hugely concerned by the damage an enclosed resort would do to existing local businesses like restaurants and B&Bs.

"The next few weeks will be crucial as the National Park prepares to make their final decision on Flamingo Land's destructive mega-resort plans for Loch Lomond.”

Jim Paterson, development director for Lomond Banks, said: “As we reach this final stage, we believe our proposal will not only revitalise the gateway to Loch Lomond but offer a wider boost to existing businesses that already operate here and provide numerous opportunities for those keen to work with a progressive and forward-thinking employer.

“As such, Lomond Banks is committed to being an active and responsible participant within the Balloch business community for many years to come.”

Balloch and Haldane Community Council have said they oppose the plans following a consultation with locals.

Meanwhile, neighbouring Alexandria Community Council said in a statement they would support plans after “balancing the pros and cons” in the expectation that developers keep their promises about environmental impact and employment.

The application is now in its final stages ahead of a determination from Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park following a ‘no objection’ from West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC), and recent support from the leader of WDC, Martin Rooney.