As the General Election approaches, we have collated a list of your candidates for the West Dunbartonshire seat.

Voting will take place from 7am to 10pm on July 4 and the people of this constituency are being given a chance to choose who will represent them in the UK parliament.

Paula Baker – Scottish Greens

(Image: Supplied) The stakes couldn’t be any higher. We're deep in a climate and nature emergency that has been glossed over by the Tory UK Government. Our rivers and the air we breathe are polluted. More people than ever are struggling to make ends meet.

We need urgent change.

Scottish Greens have already delivered positive action for West Dunbartonshire. 13,690 local young people have free bus travel and we scrapped peak-time rail fares. Thousands of local children have been lifted out of poverty by the Scottish Child Payment. Scotland is investing a record amount in climate and nature projects and creating jobs while we do so.

But there’s only so much that can be done at Holyrood. We need MPs who will stop future drilling for damaging fossil fuels, who’ll place a wealth tax on the richest 1% to fund our public services and who’ll stand up for people seeking refuge in the UK, repealing the cruel, costly Rwanda Act.

Tackling the nature and climate emergency is an opportunity to improve our health, provide warmer homes and lower energy costs.

On July 4, vote for our positive vision of a fairer, greener, independent Scotland. Vote like our future depends on it.

Maurice Corry – Conservative and Unionist Party 

(Image: Supplied) West Dunbartonshire is an area rich in history and beautiful scenery and it is one I would be honoured to represent as your MP.

I represented these communities in the Scottish Parliament for five years and I am now a councillor for the neighbouring Lomond North ward. I know what the priorities of our communities are and the challenges we face.

If I am lucky to become your MP on July 4, I will fight to ensure West Dunbartonshire fulfils its potential.

I would work tirelessly to drive an expansion of engineering opportunities for our young people to ensure our area can continue to pioneer in these skills, as we have done for hundreds of years. By working closely with businesses and colleges we can deliver these opportunities and help create a skilled workforce for the future.

As a board member of the Loch Lomond National Park, I will continue to promote it at every turn as a thriving tourist destination and one that continues to provide employment opportunities for locals.

For our elderly residents, I will ensure that West Dunbartonshire is an area where these valued members of our community can receive high-quality respite care.

One of my main passions as a former member of our armed forces for nearly 40 years is that we should do all we can to provide for our veterans and their families, to give them the quality of life they deserve.

And in many cases that includes giving them suitable housing which has been made all the harder by continued cuts to the council's budget, resulting in a housing emergency being declared in this area.

These are just some of the priorities of local people I would be focused on and I look forward to campaigning over the next few weeks.

Martin Docherty-Hughes - Scottish National Party 

(Image: Martin Docherty-Hughes) Since first being elected I've helped more than 15,000 people across Clydebank, Dumbarton and the Vale. I'm proud of my record of standing up for my constituents over the last nine years.

It’s been the privilege of my lifetime to represent the area where I grew up. If re-elected on 4th July, I am determined to continue fighting day and night for the people of West Dunbartonshire.

Times are tough for many local families. Our communities continue to be hit hard by Tory austerity cuts.

Change is badly needed, but the British Labour party only offers more of the same. Not only does Sir Keir Starmer proudly admit his admiration for Margaret Thatcher, Labour are also committed to billions of pounds of needless cuts to jobs and public services.

Only a strong group of SNP MPs will defend Scotland from the worst of Westminster’s cuts.

If re-elected, I will fight tirelessly to stop the privatisation of our NHS and oppose Labour’s damaging austerity plans.

There’s only one party you can always trust to stand up for Scotland.

Vote SNP to remove the Tories, protect our public services, and deliver real change for Scotland with independence.

Paul Kennedy - Liberal Democrats

(Image: Scottish Liberal Democrats) During my adult life, I have dedicated myself to public service.

I have served 30 years in a wide variety of roles with the Strathclyde Police Force. I have covered areas in Glasgow and parts of West Dunbartonshire. On retirement from the police, I continued a further career as a secondary school teacher of mathematics.

I was elected two years ago as a councillor for Ward 11, Argyll & Bute Council and have participated in the decision-making processes of the council administration. I have extensive experience in dealing with planning, the housing crisis and social care deficiencies.

At this election, I am campaigning for a fair deal for West Dunbartonshire. A fair deal that gives everyone the opportunity to get on in life, wherever they start. A fair deal that puts power in your hands, so you can do your bit – for your children, your community, your business and your environment. A fair deal that holds the powerful to account, to make sure they do their bit too. Where everyone plays by the same rules.

If that sounds good, you can learn more about our plans at:

Douglas McAllister – Labour

(Image: Supplied)I live in Clydebank with my wife and our two sons. I have stayed here all my life and spent the last 20 years representing local people as a councillor.

I share your concerns about the problems we face as a result of the SNP government failing Scotland and the Tories at Westminster crashing the economy.

West Dunbartonshire is crying out for change.

I know how much local families are struggling because of the cost of living crisis or that a loved one can’t get treatment because of the crisis in our NHS.

As the Labour MP for West Dunbartonshire, I will be part of a Labour government which will deliver economic stability, bringing down the cost of mortgages in Clydebank. We will tax the energy giants and put more money back into the NHS to cut waiting times here in West Dunbartonshire.

We will lower energy bills for good by setting up our own energy company here in Scotland.

I will attract economic investment to West Dunbartonshire and create new job opportunities for our young people by maximising our influence at the heart of a Labour government.

A vote for the SNP is a wasted vote. Every vote for me and Scottish Labour is a vote to boot out the Tories.

This election is an opportunity for change that we can’t afford to miss, to vote to elect a Labour MP and a Labour government who will deliver that change we so desperately need here in West Dunbartonshire. I am ready to deliver that change.

Andrew Muir – Scottish Family Party

(Image: Supplied) I am 65 years old and a pensions actuary. I want to bring moral values to the area. I oppose abortion and assisted suicide. I endorse the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Having lived in Dumbarton for over 40 years, I find the area repressive with free speech severely curtailed. The major parties place themselves on all the committees and use block votes while the smaller parties are looked down on.

We need to move away from adult themes and trans ideology in schools and go back to the traditional three Rs.

The major parties don’t respect the will of the people – I oppose Flamingoland with its heavy traffic and interference with the beauty and tranquillity of Loch Lomond.

We used to have great butchers and greengrocers in Dumbarton High Street but these are long gone. There seems to be a movement to move or downgrade all our libraries - something I don’t understand as reading is a great way to broaden your mind and improve your life chances. Dumbarton Library currently has parking facilities, disabled access and a computer suite – why move it to an inferior location beside pubs and vaping shops?

David Smith - Reform UK

(Image: Supplied) I am a former serviceman and completed nearly 14 years in the submarine service, leaving as a Chief Petty Officer, based out of the Clyde Naval Base. I left the Royal Navy more than 10 years ago and since then I have worked predominately for defence contractors, but I have also worked within the rail industry, oil and gas and for civilian nuclear projects.

The experience of having a long career history within defence, and a broader career within other very important and essential industries, has helped me to both form my opinions and be able to substantiate my views on what the future may hold for these industries within both the UK and Scotland.

I have a large family with children in primary, secondary, college and very soon university education. I also have a disabled son, and my partner and I are also kinship carers. The experience of being a father and a carer has provided me insights into both our education systems and the health and social care sector.

Like many other constituents, I feel completely let down by the main parties who all want our vote.

They simply do not deserve it. This led me to investigate what the Reform Party have to offer. I strongly suggest that everyone should read ‘Our Contact With You’ before casting your vote on July 4.

Kelly Wilson - Sovereignty

(Image: Supplied) I am a Scottish nationalist who is committed wholeheartedly to our common home of West Dunbartonshire where we need to accelerate economic and environmental development.  

Having worked both nationally and internationally in finance, health, benefits and management, I have an array of skills that I am keen to offer you as your trusted representative in parliament. 

At Sovereignty, we believe in true independence, the unilateral declaration of independence (UDI), not rejoining the EU and putting the welfare of Scotland and our people first.

With this, Sovereignty's key manifesto points are:

Building a prosperous economy, investing in education, protecting the environment and improving welfare.

Scotland is the second-largest economy in the UK, after the South East. With an estimated nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of £218.0 billion in 2023, we are more than capable of flourishing as an independent state.

Sovereignty will ensure that, as an independent nation, Scotland will be a just country and a confident player on the global stage. At Sovereignty, we know that after decades of empty promises and mismanagement, every sector in Scotland needs a complete overhaul. Sovereignty is ready to take on this important role with its qualified and experienced members.