JACKIE Baillie MSP has slammed the Scottish Government, insisting they have let NHS dental care "rot away".

Figures, revealed by Scottish Labour, show at least 16,366 Scots have left NHS dentists for private dental care since 2021. 

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde saw the biggest exodus of all health boards, with 9,723 people leaving NHS dentists to go private in 2022 alone.

And the Scottish Labour claims the stats show "privatisation in action" 

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She said: “The fact that patients are suddenly paying quadruple the cost for dentistry in a cost-of-living crisis suggests Scots are handing over their life savings and pensions just to get the treatment they desperately need to relieve themselves of severe pain. 

“This is what privatisation looks like – those who can, pay for a private dentist; those who can’t, suffer without access to an NHS dentist when they need it.

“A number of my constituents have reported problems in accessing an NHS dentist and I know how desperate they are for relief from their dental pain – but they should not have to choose between paying for a private dentist or having no dentist at all.

“NHS dental care has rotted away under the SNP when we need to be encouraging more dentists to work for the NHS so that everyone is able to register as an NHS patient. 

“Scottish Labour want to end the postcode lottery for access to NHS dentistry so that everyone can get the treatment they need when they need it.”  

A spokesperson for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said: "We are aware of the challenges accessing NHS general dental services throughout the NHSGGC area and our Oral Health Directorate is working with practices and Health and Social Care Partnerships to explore ways to address this.

"Unfortunately, if a dental practice decides to change their business model or approach to providing NHS care for any reason, this is not something that is being mandated by the Board and as independent practitioners they are at liberty to do this. The Board cannot influence these choices.

"We would like to remind unregistered patients that they can access emergency care at any time through the Emergency Dental Treatment Centre in Glasgow Dental Hospital.

"If you think you need emergency dental care, please call 0141 232 6323 during working hours or NHS 24 on 111 out with normal working hours and at weekends."