A CYCLE route in Dumbarton is now partially closed for up to a month.

To allow for Scottish Water to carry out sewer network investigations, a short section of the National Cycle route 7 will be shut for up to a month.

West Dunbartonshire Council confirmed the closure on their website.

The Order will make it unlawful for any person to cause or permit any vehicle to be driven on the following sections of road (except for vehicles taking local access where permitted by signs or under the direction of a traffic management contractor, emergency service vehicles and vehicles engaged in authorised road occupation) only when and where indicated by signs on NCN 7 Cycle Path at Milton, Dumbarton.


The restrictions may be applied in part or whole but will be able to be implemented as required and where indicated by signs on 29 July 2024 until 23 August 2024.

Cyclists should  dismount at entrance to NCN 7 Cycle Path adjacent to Dunglass Roundabout then use the  footway adjacent to A82.

They should then rejoin the cycle path at access road from A82.