A Hollywood-themed ball is set to take place next month in aid of a local children's charity.

The annual ball will take place in the Golden Jubilee Hotel in Clydebank on Sunday, August 31 and will host live entertainment alongside a three-course meal.

The night will raise funds for the Rohad Association, based in Alexandria, which helps kids affected by ROHHAD a rapid obesity onset syndrome. 

The association was established in May 2015 by Elizabeth and Ian Hunter whose son Aaron suffers from the disease.

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The charity works to raise awareness of the condition and fund research into finding new treatments.

Ticket prices are set at £45 per person for a table of 10 can be purchased for £400.

Prices include a champagne reception, dinner and performances from comedian Rob Kane and music from Rachelle Rhienne and Cara Gallagher.

The event will run from 6.45pm to 1am.