The new Labour MP for West Dunbartonshire has confirmed he will stepping down from his roles within the local council.

Douglas McAllister was elected last month as part of a landslide victory for Sir Keir Starmer's party which returned to government for the first time since 2010.

He currently serves as provost for West Dunbartonshire Council as well as a councillor for the Kilpatrick Ward.

The 50-year-old, who was also a defence lawyer for 27 years, has announced he will be stepping down from his two roles within West Dunbartonshire Council over the next few months, citing the "importance" of an MP only having one job.

(Image: Colin Mearns) As a result, a new provost will be selected in due course, with a by-election for the Kilpatrick Ward council seat to follow down the line.

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Explaining his decision to step down, McAllister said: "My view is MPs should not have second jobs except in exceptional circumstances such as if they work as a doctor or nurse in the NHS.

"Your one role is to represent your constituents and I can't understand how anyone would have the time to be effective in another position on top of that.

"You are paid very well as an MP and receive much more than the average salary.

"Another job should not be needed in terms of income and that is why I will be stepping down from my council duties.

"It has been a pleasure to serve the Kilpatrick Ward for the last 21 years and I have also enjoyed being provost of the council but it is time for someone else to take up these roles."