An MSP has hit out at the recent decision to cut the winter fuel payment to pensioners calling it the 'wrong choice.'

Pam Gosal, the Conservative and Unionist MSP for West Scotland says Labour has made the 'wrong choice' by cutting the payment that gave up to £300 for pensioners in West Dunbartonshire.

Figures taken from the previous constituency borders show that 13,915 residents here will no longer recieve the extra cash.

The politician has also criticised the SNP for 'following Labour's lead' and confirming they will also be cutting the payments in Scotland.

This follows additional backlash from Clydebank MSP Marie McNair.

READ MORE: Local MP criticised for voting to scrap winter fuel payment

Pam Gosal said: “Labour’s decision represents a total betrayal of pensioners in West Dunbartonshire.

“They promised to keep these payments during the election but have now disgracefully ditched that pledge.

“This will have a devastating impact on thousands of pensioners in West Dunbartonshire. These payments were a lifeline for many of them and this is completely the wrong choice by Labour.

“The SNP are shamefully following Labour’s lead and they only have themselves to blame. They have mismanaged Scotland’s finances during their 17 years in power and now the effects of that are coming home to roost.

“Both Labour and the SNP need to accept responsibility for these cuts and be upfront with pensioners as to why they have been targeted in such a shameful way.

“The Scottish Conservatives are firmly opposed to these cuts and I will always be on the side of pensioners in West Dunbartonshire.”

Hitting back Douglas says the MSP needs to 'get her facts straight'.

He said: "I find it quite staggering that the MSP is unaware that the decision taken by the UK Government relates to England and Wales only. I can assist her however with getting the facts straight.

"The vote in the Commons does not change the position in Scotland. That is because from October, the Winter Fuel Allowance is devolved and the Scottish Parliament will soon vote on eligibility in Scotland. The Scottish Government have made the decision, well in advance of the UK Government, and backed by their own expert panel, to means test the winter fuel payment. Therefore I am presuming that she is calling on her own government to reverse their decision.

"She seems to be suggesting that I should have joined with her SNP Westminster colleagues and voted with the Conservatives.

"The second fact is that the Winter Fuel Payment is not being abolished. It is being targeted at the poorest pensioners, those in receipt of Pension Credit.

"Many in West Dunbartonshire are eligible for Pension Credit who haven’t applied. Rather than engaging in ill-informed political sniping, I would prefer to help anyone who needs assistance to apply.

"Finally, the Labour Party promised at the General Election to protect the pension triple lock, last year the state pension increased by around £400. My Government have absolutely guaranteed the triple lock on pensions for the lifetime of this Parliament meaning that pension income will rise by over £1000 over the course of this Parliament.

"This is just one measure and we will set out a complete budget at the end of October.

"As for the Conservatives, they really have no shame, having wrecked the economy and created an in year £22 bn black hole in the economy, we will get on with the job of fixing the mess they created. We are fixing the foundations to restore stability and grow the economy which we will all eventually see the benefit of."