I HOPE you are all enjoying your holiday, despite the disappointing weather we have had so far since the school holidays started.

Obviously, I am delighted with the results of the General Election and removing the dreadful Tory Government who have done so much damage to our communities and services in the last 14 years.

While it is no doubt going to be a difficult challenge to begin the recovery of the country clearly people voted for change both nationally and locally and I am delighted my Labour Colleague Douglas McAllister was elected on the 4 July.

Despite the challenge ahead the early signs from the new government are very encouraging particularly in relation to the New Deal for Working People and accepting the pay review body above inflation pay increases for some public sector workers.

There will also be increased spending on staffing in hospitals and schools and remember any increase in funding at UK level will include an increase in funding for the services in Scotland under the Barnett Formula.

Therefore plans to increase 40,000 additional hospital weekly to reduce waiting lists and funding new teachers will see the Scottish Government funding increased to match these policies, while it is the Scottish Government's decision whether to match Labours commitment I think it is likely they will agree to tackle the long waiting lists in our NHS.

READ MORE: Event to mark World Drowning Prevention Day takes place in Balloch

Locally we are still delivering services under the financial constraints we have been enduring for the last few years.

We have faced underfunding which in the last two years has seen our budget short of around £40 million. While Humza Yousaf’s time as First Minister was short, his shooting from the hip decision to freeze Council Tax will ensure all councils suffer for many years as that income is lost for current and future services.

In recent years, the Labour Council has arranged a range of summer activities, many providing lunch alleviating holiday hunger to help families during the long school holidays.

Previously the Scottish Government has helped the council with some funding which has added to our own commitment.

Unfortunately, this year the Scottish Government withdrew all funding putting these summer activities and holiday hunger programs in doubt. 

Despite the lack of assistance from the Scottish Government our holiday SHINE program survived due to the Labour Council’s priority for families.

The details are on the council website but working with local community groups here will be a variety of activities available including music, drama, sports and games, art workshops, gaming, cinema shows, cooking, nature walks and many more. 

In addition, we have arranged free family fun days in local parks with fairground rides, face painting and lawn games.

These free activities have proved extremely popular for hard pressed families trying to make ends meet during the summer holidays.

I am delighted ae have managed to provide these children’s activities despite the withdrawal of Scottish Government funding.