The ex-Labour administration is the talk of the steamie after resigning from West Dunbartonshire Council.

Tensions in the Labour Group have been noticeable in the last year or so with reports of a cabal running the administration and excluding certain councillors from the decision-making process, which is undemocratic and does not bode well for having a united inclusive group.

The resignation in my opinion is a smokescreen to refuse to take responsibility for the £7m deficit they have managed to accrue in the Labour budget to date for the current financial year, but more importantly they are well aware of the deep cuts in public services and jobs coming next year from a Labour Government, whose Scottish Leader said before the election "watch my lips no austerity from Labour", as they would be left to implement the smelly parcel from their own goverment which includes the cuts to the Winter Fuel Allowance for senior citizens.

READ MORE: Recycling centre to remain closed as weather delays work

This coupled with the £38m of Tory cuts Labour implemented in West Dunbartonshire over the last 2 years will further weaken our public services and cut hundreds of more jobs leaving many services on the brink.

Labour has abandoned the local people who voted for them to run WDC at a time when services and jobs are being lost at an alarming rate.

They don't have the bottle for the fight and struggle to protect public services and jobs that many citizens across West Dunbartonshire depend on daily.

Positive news that the professional planners at the LLTNP have recommended to their board that the Flamingo Land application for a resort in Balloch be refused.

It was scandalous to see Mr Paterson, the agent for Flamingo Land, questioning the integrity of the professional planners at the Park Authority for their decision which was based solely on the merits of the application his employer submitted, as he said the planning officials decision was partly based on "misinformation".

Thanks to Balloch & Haldane Community Council, The Save Loch Lomond Campaign & The Green Party along with thousands of local people who want to "Save Loch Lomond" for taking the campaign this far.