I'm delighted to see the back of the Tories, who have been causing despair and destruction across society for far too long.

In West Dunbartonshire we saw Douglas McAllister elected as our new MP. I offer congratulations and wish him well for the future representing West Dunbartonshire.

It was clearly a disastrous election for the SNP. I take comfort that the results don’t reflect the public’s views on Scottish Independence, as polls consistently show support of 45%-50%.

I hope those at the top of the SNP reflect on the reasons for last week’s dip in support. We have let a lot of people down and this was a clear demonstration of their frustration.

We must learn from this by listening to the public and our own grassroots membership and supporters, or we face a similar challenge in Scotland at the 2026 Holyrood elections.

While I’m happy to see the end of Conservative rule in Westminster, Labour does not offer the real change Scotland needs, nor do they represent a bright future for our nation. Labour have promised more austerity, a cut in public service funding for Scotland, accelerated privatisation of health services in England (which directly impacts NHS Scotland funding) and continued tax breaks for the top 5% in the country; none of this is good news for Scotland.

Locally, Labour have already shown how they govern. Millions of pounds of cuts to West Dunbartonshire services that were not needed to balance the budget, social care budgets cut to the bone, charges increased, including an upcoming £60 charge for brown bin collection, and a three-weekly green/grey bin collection rota due to start soon.

Library closures/downsizing, slashing the budget for road and pavement maintenance and cancelling public events enjoyed by families such as Balloch Highland Games and the Christmas Light Switch on.

Wherever they are in power Labour brings more decline, just at a slightly slower rate than the Tories.

The ONLY way for Scotland to have a bright future is to be independent. It won’t happen tomorrow, next week or even next year, but it will happen because it must.

I’ve been fighting for Scotland’s independence and a better future for West Dunbartonshire all of my adult life. Those of us who want a positive future for our country must not let apathy dull our senses.

We have to continue fighting because I guarantee whoever sits in number ten Downing Street isn’t going to care what happens in Scotland.